HastyTasty: Day in the Life of a Food Delivery Driver
HastyTasty: Day in the Life of a Food Delivery Driver
This was a satirical short film me and a few friends made over the course of a weekend about what it's like to be a food delivery driver on the fictional app HastyTasty. Not only did I create the video, but I also made the app you can see in the video -- you might not be able to order food on it, but the buttons do work!
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A day in the life of a driver on the fictional food delivery app HastyTasty. This short was shot in November of 2020, and has been in editing since. I took a break from it for a few months but got back into the swing of it recently, finally finishing it up. I've been working on it way too long and have definitely seen it way too many times, but I hope you enjoy it. Fun fact, you can actually access the fake HastyTasty app by going to https://hastytasty.herokuapp.com (looks best on smart phones). To get to the different pages, just add a character to the end of the url after a '/'. 1-4 are for shots used in the video, and if you go to 'r', it will randomize the pay, distance, and item count every time you refresh. Cast: DeMoni Cade as Driver Chris Chichester as Angry Customer Stephen Rose as Weird Customer Todd Chichester as Talkative Customer Crew: Written by Alex Chichester, DeMoni Cade, and Gabrielle Stengele Director, Editor, and Cinematographer: Alex Chichester Boom Operator: Gabrielle Stengele Special thanks to Amy DeRenzo and Gabrielle Stengele Sound Effects: TheZero - Simple Ringtone IESP - Toilet Flushing InspectorJ - Bird Whistling, Single, Robin, A bay_area_bob - GASP Notification 1 bay_area_bob - GASP Notification 6 Music: DeMoni Cade - Bad Guy DeMoni Cade - Rush Hour